Command-line Usage

Ouroboros ships with a command-line client named Ouro. Ouro exposes all the functionality of Ouroboros for interactive use.

Common Arguments

As well as the command-specific argments, Ouro requires some data about your eventstore instance. Each of these items can be specified as an environment variable, or on the command line.

Option Env Var Default Description
authuser ES_ADMIN_USER None The username ouro will use when contacting EventStore
authpass ES_ADMIN_PASS None The password ouro will use when contacting EventStore
host ES_ADMIN_HOST localhost The hostname or IP of the Eventstore instance to manage
port ES_ADMIN_PORT 2113 The http interface port of the Eventstore instance
no-ssl ES_ADMIN_DISABLE_SSL False Causes ouro to use http rather than https URIs.

Specifying Access Control Lists

Several of ouro’s commands operate on access control lists. Each of these commands supports the following list of options. Each option may be specified multiple times.

Option Short-option Description
–read -r Specifies a user or group who can read the stream
–write -w Specifies a user or group who can write events to the stream
–delete -d Specifies a user or group that can delete the stream
–metadata-read -mr Specifies a user or group that can read the stream metadata, including the ACL
–metadata-write -mw Specifies a user or group that can update the stream metadata, including the ACL

Targetting Access Control Lists

Commands that work with ACLs can be used with the ACL of a single stream, or with the default ACLs.

Option Description
–stream foo Targets the ACL of an individual stream
–system Targets the default ACL for system-created streams
–user Targets the default ACL for user-created streams

Creating Users

The useradd command is responsible for creating users.

⇒  ouro useradd fred --password s00p3rs33krit

The password option is required, but can be entered interactively

⇒  ouro useradd giddy

Users can be added to multiple groups during creation with the -g flag

⇒  ouro useradd fred -g devs -g ops -g $admins --password pw

The full name of the user can be specified with the -n flag. If not provided, the full name will default to the username.

⇒  ouro useradd fred -n "Fred Jarvis"

Deleting Users

The userdel command is responsible for deleting users.

⇒  ouro userdel fred

Creating a new stream

Streams can be created with the streamadd command. You can specify an ACL for the new stream with the ACL options. Options that are not specified will fall back to the default acl.

# Create a new stream, using the default ACL
⇒  ouro streamadd new-stream

# Create a new stream, overriding the read options from the default acl
⇒  ouro streamadd new-stream -r devs -r ops -r qa

Replacing an ACL

An ACL can be completely rewritten by using the set-acl command. This command replaces the current ACL without any merge. You can modify an individual stream, or the default acls with the targetting options. Access control entries are specified with the acl options.

⇒  ouro set-acl --stream new-stream -r $all -w $admins -d $admins

⇒  ouro set-acl --user -r $all -w $admins -d $admins -d ops

⇒  ouro set-acl --system -r ops -r qa

Granting permissions to an existing stream

The ACL can be extended by using the grant command. This command adds new entries into an existing ACL. You can modify an individual stream, or the default acls with the targetting options. Access control entries are specified with the acl options.

⇒  ouro grant --stream new-stream -w devs

⇒  ouro grant --user -w devs

⇒  ouro grant --system -mw ops

Removing permissions from an existing stream

The ACL can be selectively revoked by using the revoke command. This command removes entries from an existing ACL. You can modify an individual stream, or the default acls with the targetting options. Access control entries are specified with the acl options.

⇒  ouro revoke --stream new-stream -w devs

⇒  ouro revoke --user -w devs

⇒  ouro revoke --system -mw ops

Adding a user into a group

Users can be added to groups using either the groupadd command or the usermod command. Multiple groups can be added by repeating the -g flag.

⇒  ouro groupadd fred -g ops -g devs

⇒  ouro usermod fred -g ops -g devs

Removing a user from a group

Users can be removed from groups using either the groupdel command or the usermod command. Multiple groups can be added by repeating the -g flag.

⇒  ouro groupdel fred -g ops -g devs

⇒  ouro usermod fred -r ops -r devs

Resetting a user’s password

User passwords can be reset using the usermod command.

⇒  ouro usermod fred --password s00pers33krit